158. Welcome to the Satisfied AF Podcast!

This moment has been a long time coming, and I’m so delighted it’s finally here!

While my coaching business and the podcast both began with a focus on career, in reality I coach on SO MANY DIFFERENT THINGS.

Navigating conflict. Setting and achieving goals. Building powerful, connected relationships. And designing a life that feels deeply meaningful and joyful.

So please join me in celebrating the launch of the Satisfied AF podcast! 🎉🎉🎉

Listen in today to hear all about the new name and what you can expect from this podcast moving forward!

My small group coaching program, Satisfied AF, is officially open for enrollment! Click here to schedule a consult call for Satisfied AF and we can figure out what’s not working in your life and career as well as how to transform it into something that delights you.


  • Why I decided to take the podcast in a new direction.

  • What you can expect from the Satisfied AF podcast.

  • How this change reflects the way I’m creating my own wildly delicious life.



  • If you want to join me for an in-person deep dive day where we coach all day on whatever you want, DM me on Instagram or send me an email to find out more!

  • I have one-on-one coaching slots opening up soon. Click here to schedule a consult call with me so we can talk about how one-on-one coaching could support you in creating a magical life and career.

  • My year-long coaching and mentorship program, Unhinged AF, is the most extra, extravagant offering I currently have. One-on-one coaching, in-person or virtual deep dive days, and special surprises. If this sounds like just the thing for you, book a consult call and let’s discuss a customized program that’s all about helping you break free from your current life and career to build something that truly blows your mind.

  • If you’re enjoying the show, please leave me a rating and review on Apple Podcasts!

  • Feel free to ask me any questions over on Instagram!

  • If there are topics y’all want me to talk about on the podcast, feel free to write in and let me know by clicking here!


This week we’re talking about the podcast’s new name, new direction and all the fun things you can look forward to.

The Satisfied AF podcast is the place to learn how to create a life and career that’s wildly delicious. Want a steamier sex life? We’ve got you. Want a more satisfying career? We’ll cover that too. And you can be sure we’ll spend lots of time talking about how to build connected, fun relationships that can handle life’s ups and downs. No matter what goals you’re working on, this show will help you create a one of a kind life that is just right for you. Join me, life and career coach Kori Linn and each week I’ll give you lots of practical tips, tools, and proven strategies to help you create all the satisfaction your heart desires.

Hello, hello, hello, happy Wednesday. As you’ve probably noticed, the podcast has a new name now, and I’m pretty fucking excited about it. I think this moment has been coming for a long time and I’m celebrating that it’s finally here.

As part of that celebration, I want to get the newly named and much more broadly scoped podcast in front of as many people as possible. And I would love for your help in doing that. So I'm running a campaign to get follows rates, reviews, and shares of the podcast under the new name, Satisfied AF. And I would love it if you would help out. And as a way to express my gratitude for your help and support, I'm also running a giveaway. So some of y'all who share will win some super fantastic prizes.

So basically what I would love for you to do is to follow, rate and review the show and to share it on your social media. And the more things you do, the more times you get entered into the giveaway. So the bigger chances you have of winning. And if you've already followed, rated and reviewed the show, you can include that previous follow rate review as part of your entry into the giveaway, it'll count even though it's not new for this time. You can also update the review if you want to. And then every time you share it on a different social platform, that counts as an additional entry into the giveaway. And as with all giveaways, we love to know what are we getting?

What are the prizes? So the third place prize is a $50 visa gift card. The second place prize is a $100 visa gift card. And the first place grand prize is a $250 visa gift card. So Go to korilinn.com/giveaway, and there will be complete instructions, including a video. That's going to walk you through what you need to do to enter the giveaway.

Again, that's korilinn.com/giveaway. So go on over there, follow, rate, review the show, and then share it all over your social media and tell everyone what you like about it, what you find powerful, what you find useful. Let's see if we can celebrate the show, collect some new listeners and get you some really fun and delightful prizes.

Thank you so much. Okay. Now let's talk about why I changed the podcast name and what you can expect next.

So as you’ve probably noticed, if you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while, we do talk about way more than just career. We talk about relationships. We talk about satisfaction. We talk about creating a wildly delicious life. So for a while now, it’s been in the back of my mind to change the podcast name, and that time is here today.

And it’s interesting because even though I’ve identified as a career coach and hosted the Love Your Job Before You Leave It podcast for years, when I work with clients one on one and in small groups on my free calls and things like that, I do coach people on pretty much any and every topic.

So a lot of my teachings have been about career. But when people come and work with me, we may work on their relationship to alcohol. We may work on their relationship with their significant other. We may work on the way they’re parenting their kids. We may work on their body image. We may work on the relationship they have with their own parents.

And it’s interesting because a lot of the patterns that show up in the workplace, show up in our other relationships too. So there’s always been a lot of crossover, but I kept a lot of my marketing specific to career for a long time. And I’m just ready to expand. I’m ready to change the scope of what I’m talking about in my marketing and on my podcast.

But don’t worry, because the podcast is also going to be very similar. Especially because for a long time now I’ve already just been adding in all kinds of stuff that could be useful at work, but could also be useful in other areas.

But with changing the podcast name and changing the scope and direction of it, we’re also creating space to have conversations about things that I maybe would not have talked about on the Love Your Job Before You Leave It podcast, like having a steamier sex life. That, I think, would have been a little too far out of scope for Love Your Job Before You Leave It, but now it’s the kind of topic we can talk about.

So, if there are things that over the years you’ve been dying to hear me talk about, but you never wrote in because you didn’t really think it fit into what I’d talk about on the podcast or the focus of the podcast being career, now is your lucky chance. So if there is something you would love to hear me talk about on the new Satisfied AF podcast, please send me an email at hello@korilinn.com and let me know what you want to hear me talk about.

It’s one of my favorite things when clients and listeners write in and let me know what they would like to hear me talk about because I love to think from my point of view about what I think would be helpful, but I also want to answer your questions and talk about the topics that you are yearning and longing to hear spoken about. So don’t be shy. Take a moment right now, send me an email and let me know what you would love to hear about on the podcast moving forward.

Beyond that, let’s just take a moment to talk about what you can expect. A lot of the stuff is going to be the same. I’m going to be releasing podcasts once a week. If you’re on my email list, which I highly suggest you join, I also send out an email about the podcast that kind of says like, here are the things we’re talking about. Here’s how it will impact you, go here to listen.

But also you should get on my email list because that’s also where I’m like, hey, I have a free call or whatever. Those kinds of opportunities go to the email list before they go anywhere else. So come get on there. You can join that via my website, korilinn.com.

Yeah, but the topics are going to expand, right? So the podcasts will still come out once a week. There will still be an email about the podcast, but now we can talk about all of the things and I’m so excited for it.

I also want to talk about how this change for me is really reflective of the values and lessons that I teach and talk about. I teach and talk a lot about intentionality and alignment and you creating your wildly delicious life. And I want you to know that’s what I’m over here working on too. So switching from Love Your Job Before You Leave It to the Satisfied AF podcast is part of me living my wildly delicious life.

It was such a joy and pleasure to be a career coach in the earlier years of my business. I found a lot of satisfaction in that. I think work is so important, we spend so much time at work. Way too much time to be hating our jobs and hating our lives while we’re at work. And I’m still going to be teaching and talking about that. I’m not taking the career element away at all, I’m just adding to it because part of satisfaction, for me, is teaching and talking about all kinds of topics.

As you probably already know, I love to talk about the amazing relationship I built with my significant other Alex Luchini and the lessons I’ve learned. And good golly, have there been a lot of them. The things I’ve learned over the years that have really helped that relationship be successful and be functional and be delicious. And I’m so excited to share even more about that and about other areas of my life and of your lives so that we can all have wildly satisfying lives that are full of intentionality and delight and alignment.

And I want to just take a moment too, to be vulnerable and transparent and say I’ve wanted to make this change for a while. And to be honest, I was a little scared to make it. I was a little scared, what will people think if I switch from being a career coach to an everything coach, which is really a life coach, even though I’ve basically been that the whole time.

And I’ve started saying on a lot of my social life and career coach instead of just career coach. And what will people think if I changed the name? And will I lose followers? Will I lose listeners? Will people be interested in the new podcast? Will people unsubscribe because it looks different?

And the reality is all of those things are possible. And changing the name is aligned with what I want and where I want my business to go. And if there’s one thing I believe in so deeply, y’all, I believe in intentionality and alignment. And I believe in you deciding what’s going to feel really good for you and you’re going after it.

So I’m over here walking my talk. I decided that what would feel really good for me is changing the podcast name, changing the scope. And I did say changing the direction earlier, but it’s kind of more like broadening the direction. And so I’m going to do it.

And the reality is, it’s possible that there will be some negative outcomes because sometimes there are even when we make aligned choices, but guess what? Then I’m going to handle them. And once I handle them, then I’m going to come on the podcast and tell you all about what happened and how I handled them because that’s what we do here.

And I try to talk about this all the time, but I think it’s pretty evident that I’m not perfect and I do not have it all together. What I do have is some really valuable tools and teachings. That’s what I teach y’all on the podcast and that’s what I teach my clients when they come and work with me.

So something I try to make really evident on the podcast, but I think bears repeating, is I don’t have everything figured out. And I get just as scared of going after things as y’all do. And I do have amazing tools, tips, tricks, all those things. I have amazing stuff and my skill set for navigating that, but I think it’s so important to show you the behind the scenes that sometimes I’m nervous too. Sometimes I’m scared to make a change. Sometimes I take a long time to make a change.

I’ve wanted to change the podcast name probably for like a year. And this is when the timing worked. And it happened and I did it. And that’s okay and beautiful. And as I always talk about on the podcast, I’m going to celebrate that because so often what I see my clients do is when they do do the thing, go after the goal, take the action, they judge themselves for not having done it sooner. And I’m not going to do that. And I’m going to invite you not to do that to yourselves either.

The podcast name got changed when it got changed. The scope got changed when it got changed. The direction broadened when it broadened. And that’s so worth celebrating, even if it didn’t happen as soon as the idea came to me.

I do think something can really be said for having an idea and letting it simmer in the crockpot of your mind and make sure it’s the direction you want to go in. And I simmered with this idea for a long time. I did feel some fear. I did have some concerns. And then I just decided I’m going to do it and then I’m going to figure it out whatever happens.

And I wanted to give you that behind the scenes so you could kind of think about if there’s something in your life, maybe you want to simmer on with your crockpot a little bit longer, maybe you’re not sure if you want to make the change right now. Or maybe you do want to make the change and you just maybe need an example, a role model, someone else who’s making a change and feels a little nervous and go like, well, Kori is doing it, I can do it.

Because you know what? I’m doing it and you can do it. And also it’s okay if you don’t want to do it right now because this podcast, before and going forward, it’s not about insisting that you take big risks. It’s about you living a wildly delicious life, whether that means being kind to yourself while you wait to take action on something, or whether it means swinging for the fences. I’m here to support you either way, and I’m here to support you all through the middle of that continuum.

So that’s what I have for you today. Is there a change in your life that you want to make that would feel wildly delicious to make right now? Is there a change you want to make in your life that doesn’t feel wildly delicious to make quite yet, but you want to think about making in the future? Maybe we want to simmer on it a little in our crockpot. Maybe we want to get excited about making that change later. Maybe we want to start putting things in motion even if we’re not fully ready to make the transition yet.

And also, don’t forget to write in and let me know what you want to hear me talk about on the brand new Satisfied AF podcast. Thanks for joining this week. I cannot wait to talk to you next time. Have a lovely week. Bye.

Thank you for joining me for this week’s episode of Satisfied AF. If you are ready to create a wildly delicious life and have way more fun than you ever thought possible, visit www.korilinn.com to see how I can help. See you next week.

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159. Epigenetics


157. No Makes Space for Yes