81. Growth Mindset and Being the Kind of Person Who…

What is growth mindset and how can it help you build a life and career that’s satisfying AF?

Basically, growth mindset is the idea that people have the capacity to grow and change. That we can learn to be more or less of something. That we can develop skills whether we have “natural talents” in that area or not.

The opposite of growth mindset is fixed mindset, which is the idea that who people are is fixed. They are just a certain way and you always will be. They are just good at math or they’re not.

We get these ideas of who we are as people, what’s available for us, and the kinds of things we can or can’t accomplish, especially in our careers. We think we’re not the kind of person who can ask for a raise or launch a successful side hustle. And we let these ideas about who we are - or who we aren’t - run our careers and our lives.

This also comes up in coaching. People sometimes think, “These tools won’t work for me. They’re for a different kind of person.”

But no matter what you currently think about yourself or who you think you are as a person, change is available to you. You can become the kind of person who uses these tools. You can become the kind of person who asks for a big raise or launches a wildly successful side hustle.

And growth mindset can help you get there.

With the tools and ideas of growth mindset, you can create your future self instead of settling for whoever you’ve been before and whatever you’ve been capable of.

Tune in this week to learn how.

If you want to supercharge your capacity to create a life that blows your mind, I have some one-on-one coaching slots opening up soon. Send me an email and let's talk about it or click here to schedule a call with me and we’ll see if we’re a good fit to start working together! 

If there are topics y’all want me to talk about on the podcast, feel free to write in and let me know by clicking here! I’d love to hear from you! 

I have a super fun announcement. This July, I’m launching my group coaching program Satisfied AF. It’s one of the coolest things I’ve ever designed in my life, so if you want to come together and be part of a community, build relationships, and figure things out so your life can feel satisfying as f*ck, click here to sign up for a consult.


  • Some relatable examples of a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset.

  • Why a fixed mindset isn’t always easy to see in ourselves.

  • How a fixed mindset plays into how we think about the possibilities for our career trajectory.

  • Why we need to stop only looking to our past to see what’s possible in the future or decide what we’re capable of.

  • How to see that who you are is not fixed, and growth is always available to you.




This week we’re talking about growth mindset, and specifically how it applies to being a certain kind of person or not.

You are listening to Love Your Job Before You Leave It, the podcast for ambitious, high-achieving women who are ready to stop feeling stressed about work and kiss burnout goodbye forever. Whether you’re starting a business or staying in your day job, this show will give you the coaching and guidance you need to start loving your work today. Here’s your host, Career Coach, Kori Linn.

Hello, hello, hello, and happy Wednesday. I’ve been thinking about this thing I heard, and now I can’t remember where I heard it. It might have been on a TikTok, or it might have been from Alex Luchini. But it was this phrase, feelings are to be felt, and my brain was like not, “And not fixed.” Because that’s kind of like a common coaching idea. Feelings are meant to be felt, not meant to be fixed because people try to fix their feelings or, you know, ignore them, avoid them, whatever, make them go away.

But that wasn’t where the thing went. It said, “Feelings are meant to be felt, not to make decisions from,” or something like that. And I thought that was such an interesting idea because in coaching we teach this concept that thoughts create feelings and feelings create actions. And I believe that’s true, and I’ve seen that play out in my life and the lives of my clients.

But also I’ve seen people want to make a certain decision because of how they feel in a way that’s more about choice than about that like flow of thought, feeling, action. And that’s where I think this idea is really interesting of like, oh, just because you feel a certain way, that doesn’t decide your choices for you. The feeling exists in your body, it’s a physiological experience of an emotion, right?

And again, in coaching we consider those to be kicked off by thoughts. From the science materials that I have read, I do know that your body can also have a bunch of sensations that are not kicked off by thoughts. Like some anxiety is kicked off by how we think about things and some anxiety can also be kicked off by other things like neurochemicals.

But also I’ve been reading this other book that talks about other things that can create like physical anxiety in the body that is not the same as anxiety that stems from like our mental thought processes.

So that’s all very interesting, but then also once something exists, like once a feeling exists, whether the feeling is anxiety or whether the feeling is love, a lot of us think if we have a certain feeling it means we have to do a certain thing or we have to make the choice, whatever choice we’re facing or decision we’re coming up with from that feeling. And I really like the idea like once the feeling exists, feel it. Process it and move through it, move through the physiological sensation of the feeling.

And if it’s like a stress response feeling I have a whole podcast on how to complete a stress response, right? How to complete that physiological process that exists in the body, and then you can decide what you want to think and feel and how you want to move forward. But I just thought it was interesting and I wanted to share it with y’all. It’s just something to noodle on and think about.

But that’s not actually what we’re talking about today, what we’re talking about today is growth mindset, which was very popular a few years ago and something that was really impactful for me. And I think a lot of people were talking about it, like I said, a few years ago, but I think a lot of people aren’t talking about it anymore and it’s worth revisiting.

And the basic idea is that growth mindset means believing that you have the capacity to grow and change. And the opposite is fixed mindset, and fixed mindset is the idea that who you are is fixed. Who you are is a certain kind of way and that way cannot change, or who you are cannot change.

And examples are like I’m good at math or I’m not good at math. Both of those would be fixed mindset, one would be like a positive fixed mindset, I’m good at math, and one would be a negative fixed mindset, I’m bad at math. Whereas growth mindset is like I can become good at math. You know, I’m able to build this skill whether I have it now or not.

And there is something in here about the difference between thinking about things in terms of like natural talent versus thinking in terms of learned skills. And I do think in life sometimes we have natural talents in certain areas and sometimes we don’t. But I often wonder like by the time we “discover” a natural talent, is it actually a natural talent or is it something we learned to do earlier but we weren’t aware we were learning to do it and so by the time we notice it we think it’s a natural talent.

Like I was always really good in school, but actually I wasn’t because when I first went to school I first went to public school in second grade at the age of 8. And at first, because I had never been schooled before, I had been home schooled technically, I didn’t do well. I did really poorly at first. But then I overcame that, and I figured out how to succeed at this thing called school.

And once I did that, I switched to a new fixed mindset story of I’m good at school, versus I learned to become good at school, and if I can learn to become good at school I can learn to become good at fucking anything. So it is interesting, even though I had a growth experience I’m pretty sure that I thought about it in a fixed way.

And if you want to learn more about this idea of growth mindset and fixed mindset, I would strongly encourage you to read the book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck because it’s great book with lots of information on the science and the studies and all that stuff, whereas I’m just going to give you the colloquial talking on the podcast, as per usual.

Okay, so specifically what I want to talk about today is growth mindset plus this idea of like I’m the person who, or I’m not the kind of person who. Because we get these ideas about who we are as people and what’s available to us and like what kind of things we can accomplish and what kind of things we can’t accomplish.

And I see this a lot in many areas, but especially in career. Like, oh, I’m the kind of person who this, and I’m the kind of person who that. And like oh, I’m not the kind of person who could jump industries. Or I’m not the kind of person who could negotiate a $25,000 raise. Or I’m not the kind of person who could launch a successful side hustle.

And another thing I think is like on the podcast we’re talking all the time about all these tools, and teachings, and things that you could use to create a career and life that’s more compelling for you, and more satisfying for you, and more of what you want to have going on.

But I was wondering, I was like I wonder if there are people out there who are listening to the podcast and like inspired and excited by the ideas, but believing that they’re not the kind of person who could apply them. Or believing that these tools and ideas are for other people. Or like believing that what I’m talking about isn’t available to then.

And so that’s kind of what I wanted to talk about today, is how there’s not a kind of person for whom coaching works. Coaching is a tool that many different people can use, and it might feel weird to you at first, or it might feel alien, it might not be like anything else you’ve done. You know, it might be like when I went to public school at age 8 and was in second grade.

By second grade everyone else knew what the fuck they were doing, they were like this is school, you raise your hand, you do these things, you have your address memorized. And I rolled up in there and I had no idea what was happening, I didn’t understand the systems and the processes. I didn’t have my address memorized.

When they told me I had to ask permission to go to the bathroom, I like laughed at them because I thought it was a joke because I had had such bodily autonomy up until that point in my life that I thought that was absurd at 8 years old.

And let me asterisk, I didn’t have total bodily autonomy, of course, I was a child and made to do all kinds of things. But I had bodily autonomy over like when I went to bathroom, so like that’s just an example.

So anyways, just because we’ve never done something before doesn’t mean we can’t do it. So many people are looking to their past to see what they’re capable of, and there is sort of a kind of a logic about like look at what’s happened before to see what could happen again. And it’s not that that’s wrong, but that’s only one view, right? And if you don’t want to repeat the past, if you don’t want to keep doing what you’ve been doing, then I would argue that that’s not the evidence I would look for or the story I would tell myself.

And instead you can tell yourself the story of like, yeah, just because I’ve done it one way forever doesn’t mean I have to. And just because in the past I saw myself as someone who couldn’t, you know, move across the country, and take a job in an entirely new sector in an entirely new city, doesn’t mean I can’t do that.

And where this ties back into growth mindset is the idea that who you are is not fixed. Who you are is not predetermined. Who you are is available to growth. Who you are can change, you can change who you are. You can change the way you show up to the world. You can change not only what you want out of your career, but how you show up to your career, how seriously you do or don’t take your career.

You can become a person who sets boundaries. You can become a person who stops overworking. You can become a person who says no to extra work, or tasks, or activities, or whatever. And so like the basis of it, I guess it’s kind of a really basis. The basis of this whole podcast episode is that who you are is not fixed. You are not stuck being who you’ve been. You get to decide who you want to be.

Now, let’s be honest, deciding to become someone different and do a new thing may feel wildly uncomfortable. Again, when I went to second grade that felt wildly uncomfortable. Honestly, if I had had a choice I probably would have tried not to do it. But as an 8 year old I didn’t have a choice, or at least, you know, I probably did but I wasn’t aware of them. I thought I had to do whatever I was told, so I just did it, right?

And it wasn’t pleasant, y’all. A lot of the memories from that time are not very fun. But realizing the capacity I do have to grow and change, and I didn’t even see that then, I didn’t see it for such a long time. But now that I see it, that’s such a superpower.

And even if you don’t see that in your past, first of all, it doesn’t mean it’s not there because, again, we have confirmation bias as humans, so we see what we look for. We see evidence for what we already believe. So if you believe you’ve always been the kind of person who, you’ll see that in your past, even if there’s evidence of the opposite.

But even if you can’t find evidence in your past, who cares? You can change now. But again, it may be uncomfortable, it may require you doing stuff you’ve never done before, it may involve like you know that phrase of like three steps forward, two steps back? A lot of times when we’re learning to do something new that we don’t have practice in yet, there’s going to be failure, there’s going to be bumbling. There’s going to be us not really knowing the steps yet because it’s like a dance we’ve never done before.

And so at this point you may be thinking, “I’m not the kind of person who learns new dance steps. I’m not the kind of person who changes.” But again, just because you haven’t been that person doesn’t mean you can’t be.

And listen, life is long for a lot of us, right? I don’t know what the life expectancy is now, but I sort of expect that I’m probably going to live to like 100, I’m about to be 38. And so I’m like that’s like 62 more years. That’s so much fucking time. That’s so much time for me to like try new things and build different kind of businesses and live in different places.

It’s so much time that I don’t have to spend time doing things the way I’ve always done them. it’s so much time during which I could grow into new ways of being as a person, as a business owner, as a partner, as a friend. And I think sometimes like we live in a very youth obsessed culture, a lot of us, and I think sometimes we’re like oh, well I’m 30, I’m 35, I’m 40, I’m 45, like I’m trapped now. I’m stuck in the way I’ve always been. But that’s not true, it doesn’t have to be true.

Think about it, if I live to 100, I’m not even halfway through my life yet. There’s so many decisions still to be made. There’s so many things I can still try and do. Like I could decide tomorrow I’m a watercolor painter. And if I do live to 100, I have time where I could be a watercolor painter longer than I was not a watercolor painter.

So you’re not trapped and stuck. Whoever you’ve been, you don’t have to keep being that person. And whatever kind of person you are, that’s not real. There is no kind of person you are. You’re a person, you have some habits, you have some ways that you’ve been in the past, your brain probably has a lot of like go-to decisions for stuff, but you’re not trapped and stuck there.

It’s not too late, and if you want to be the kind of person who applies coaching and creates amazing things in their life, you can be the kind of person who applies coaching and creates amazing things in their life. If you want to be the kind of person who asks for a $25,000 raise, you can become the kind of person who asks for a $25,000 raise. And then you can stop being that person and become the person who asks for a $50,000 raise.

You can become the person who switches industries. You can become the person who goes from being an individual contributor to a director, even though most people are not able to make that leap. You can become the person who invents a new industry. You can become the person who revolutionizes a current industry.

Whatever kind of person you want to be, you can become that. But only if you believe you can and only if you’re willing to go through the effort and discomfort of doing it. And listen, I don’t want to lie to y’all, it is effort, it is discomfort. But I assume we’re going to be uncomfortable a lot of the time anyways, and life if full of effort whether you’re folding laundry or building a business. So why not have the effort and discomfort create something that blows your fucking mind? Why not? That’s my question for you today.

If you could be anything, if you could be any kind of person, what kind of person do you want to be? And what are you willing to do to become that person? To build her, or him, or them? Come tell me about it on Instagram, I want to know. I want to know what your wildest dreams are, and I want to know what little, tiny baby steps you’re going to start taking to grow into that, to believe you can grow into that.

And listen, if you don’t want to do this work alone, you don’t have to. I want to do this work with you. I want to sit down with you every week and talk about how you’re going to blow your own mind. And then actually put into place the action steps to create that. To not just dream of the person we’re going to become, but to become them.

So if you want to come work with me, scoot on over to my website and sign up for a consultation and let’s talk about it, let’s see if it’s a good fit because I know coaching can blow your mind and if you want to do this work with me, I want to do this work with you. And if it’s not me, I can connect you with someone else amazing. I want to see what the world is like when all of us believe we can become who we want to become and then go forth and do the work and have the fun to create that.

All right, that’s what I have for y’all this week. Have a great week, I’ll talk to you next week, bye.

Thank you for listening to Love Your Job Before You Leave It. We'll have another episode for you next week. And in the meantime, if you're feeling super fired up, head on over to korilinn.com for more guidance and resources.


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82. Short-Term and Long-Term Thinking


80. Pleasure and Gratification